2-nd International scientific and practical Internet forum
"Islamic Finance in the context of globalization»
September 14, 2020
Sevastopol, 5A Pavel Silaev street, Assembly hall of the house of Friendship of Kazan Tatars and Bashkirs in the Hero city of Sevastopol
address of registration for the Forum on the Internet:
Registration starts at 9: 00.
Open Forum: 10: 00 – 10 hours 15 minutes.
- Opening remarks:
Zamil Khisamutdinov, Chairman Of the regional public organization "Sevastopol national cultural society of Kazan Tatars and Bashkirs".
- Welcome speech:
Vladimir Kolesnikov, head Of the Department for work with national and religious organizations Of the Department of internal policy Of the Department of public communications of the city of Sevastopol.
Zakirov Dmitry Borisovich, Chairman Of the charitable Foundation "LIFE " Sevastopol"
Panel discussion: 10 hours 15 minutes – 12 hours 50 minutes
1) Mirpochoyev Dalerdzhon Alidzhanovich, candidate of economic Sciences, Deputy Director on science and innovations Institute of Economics and trade of Tajik state University of Commerce.
Report title: The Islamic financial system: challenges and prospects.
Interactive discussion of the report results.
2) Elena Ryabtseva, doctor of political science, Professor, head of the Department of law of the Sevastopol economic and humanitarian Institute (branch) V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University.
Title of the report: Problems of education in the field of Islamic Finance.
Interactive discussion of the report results.
3) Ryabtsev Alexander Lvovich, doctor of historical Sciences, associate Professor, head of the Department of Humanities and socio-economic disciplines of the black sea higher naval school of the order of the red star named After p. S. Nakhimov.
Report title: Global financial crisis and Islamic Finance in Russia.
Interactive discussion of the report results.
4) Gezikhanov Ruslan Abdulhamidovich, doctor of Economics, Professor, head of the Department of Accounting and audit of the Chechen state University, Professor of the Russian Islamic University. Kunta-Haji Kishiev.
Topic of report: Islamic entrepreneurship and development of the Halal industry in the Chechen Republic.
Interactive discussion of the report results.
5) Lyudmila Tsybulskaya, candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor, head of the Department of management of the Sevastopol Institute of Economics and Humanities (branch) V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University.
Topic of report: Modern features of the use of cryptocurrencies in Russia.
Interactive discussion of the report results.
6) Marat Nizamov, Deputy Chairman of the Project technical Committee No. 704 "Halal Products and services", specialist of the Russian center for Islamic Economics and Finance (RCIEF) at the Russian Islamic Institute.
Topic of report: Standardization and certification in the field of Islamic Finance: prospects in Russia.
Interactive discussion of the report results.
7) Khayretdinova Kamila Ayratovna, specialist of the Russian center for Islamic Economics and Finance of the Russian Islamic Institute.
Topic of report: Integration of the Islamic financial and economic system and the Halal production and service industry.
Interactive discussion of the report results.
8) Alexey Galeev (Alimjan) Stanislavovich, Director of the research center for Religious nutrition.
Topic of report: Islamic Finance in the Halal system, and their role in the development of the Halal lifestyle.
Interactive discussion of the report results.
Closing of the Forum: 12 hours 50 minutes-13 hours 00 minutes.
- Closing remarks by Zamil Shamshievich Khisamutdinov, Chairman Of the regional public organization "Sevastopol national cultural society of Kazan Tatars and Bashkirs".